Moving Image Grass Fed Baby Formula - 2020Art Direction ASB Borrow The ABs - 2020Standby Props ARA Institute of Canterbury - 2018Casting/Locations/Standby Props Swisse - 2019Art Direction Good Health Turmeric - 2018Locations/Art Direction Ethique - 2018Art Direction Colgate Kieran Read - 2019Locations/Art Direction Massey Ferguson - 2019Locations/Art Direction ANZ Dream Big - 2015Casting/Locations/Art Direction Still Image Tink - 2020Locations/Standby Props/Casting Sportscheck - 2019Locations/Standby Props/Casting Christchurch NZ Explore - 2020Locations/Standby Props/Casting Kumikos Guest House - 2020Locations/Standby Props